[Linux] Canary + aaPanel + MyAAC
This tutorial was created with /home/user. If you are using root user change for a normal user.
Create the user:
sudo adduser NAME
Give privileges to the created user:
sudo usermod -aG sudo NAME
Change in the Linux Terminal from root to the created user:
sudo su - NAME
1 - Download Bitvise:
1.1 - Bitvise Tutorial:
2 - Installation Canary:
-- Running vcpkg install
This step will take a long time on the first run, as it needs to download and install all the dependencies, so be patient!
• How to update vcpkg:
3 - Installation - aaPanel:
Open the Linux Terminal.
URL=https://www.aapanel.com/script/install_7.0_en.sh && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO "$URL" ;else wget --no-check-certificate -O install_7.0_en.sh "$URL";fi;bash install_7.0_en.sh aapanel
sudo bash install_7.0_en.sh aapanel
After aaPanel install, take note of your URL to access, username and password.
Access the aaPanel using your address https://10.x.y.z with the username and password.
In the Recommended Sofware Packages select LNMP (Recommended) with the options:
Then click in the One-click button.
Wait for the software packages installation.
4 - aaPanel - Website:
Go to the Website option in the menu.
Click in the Add Site button and fill the form.
After adding the website, go to Conf -> Site directory and disable Anti-XSS attack option.
Your website will be accessible by your address: http://10.x.y.z
5 - aaPanel - Database:
Go to the Databases option in the menu.
Click in the Add DB button and fill the form.
Click in the Import option.
Click in the Upload from local option.
Click in Select File button.
Find Canary schema.sql and click in the Upload button.
After upload the schema.sql click in the Close button.
Click in the Import option to confirm.
After the successfully imported the schema.sql file to the database close the window.
6 - Canary - Config.lua:
For data-canary:
For data-otservbr-global:
7 - Installation - MyAAC:
Open the Linux Terminal.
Install MyAAC: http://10.x.y.z;
Follow the installation steps;
8 - Credits:
Last updated