[Windows][Advanced] Canary + XAMPP + MyAAC
Last updated
Last updated
If you not compiled Canary, start following this tutorial at step 1.
If you already compiled Canary, start following this tutorial at step 2.
Extract Canary server in a folder of your preference.
Access PHPMyAdmin from your domain address.
On the left side click on +New and create a database (e.g. canary).
Import the schema file.sql which is in the Canary server folder.
Double click canary.exe, it will start the server.
To connect to the server according to the indicated version, you can use:
If you changed the port to 8080 or 8090, remember to add it in the normal client or otclient redemption.
OpenTibiaBR (https://github.com/opentibiabr/canary)
Slawkens, Lucas Giovanni and OpenTibiaBR Contributors (https://github.com/opentibiabr/myaac)