[Linux] Backup + Upload - Google Drive

Create a directory:

  • The directory can be inside the server folder.

  • Suggested name: backup_DB

Creating a database backup:

  • Create a .sh file in the server folder


path="/PATH TO THE FOLDER WHERE THE BACKUP WILL BE CREATED/"     # Path where the backup of your database
nameBackup="SQL FILE NAME"                                       # Environment where it is hosted
mysqlUser="MYSQL LOGIN"                                          # Your MySQL user
mysqlPass="MYSQL PASSWORD"                                       # Your MySQL password
mysqlDatabase="DATABASE NAME"                                    # The name of your database

TIMER="$(date +'%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M')"

if [[ -z "$mysqlUser" || -z "$mysqlPass" || -z "$mysqlDatabase" ]]; then
    echo "Please fill in username, password and database in settings."
    # Create the backup
    mysqldump -u$mysqlUser -p$mysqlPass $mysqlDatabase > $path"/"$nameBackup"-"$TIMER".sql"

    # Change to the backup directory
    cd $path

    # Remove older backups if there are more than 10 files
    backups=($(ls -t $nameBackup-*.sql))
    if (( ${#backups[@]} > 10 )); then
        for file in "${backups[@]:10}"; do
            rm "$file"

    echo "Backup Complete."

Create a cron job on Linux to run the .sh file on a scheduled basis:

  • The suggestion is to have two times to generate 2 .sql files, the first at 6:10 after the default servesave, and the other at 23:10 after the server is busy.

Adding cron to Linux Cron will execute the backup .sh file automatically.

Open the cron list:

crontab -e


10 6,23 * * * /path/for/your/script.sh
  • Remember: change the machine's time to your local time, for example:

  • sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Sao_Paulo

  • This will ensure that cron runs the .sh files at the correct time.

Permission for the .sh file:

After saving the .sh file with the code, add the permission so it can be executed:

chmod +x backup.sh

Credits: Leotk.

Last updated