[Windows][Advanced] Canary + XAMPP + MyAAC
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Download Canary server;
Extract Canary server in a folder of your preference.
Apache Actions -> Config -> PHP (php.ini).
Enable the PHP extensions uncommenting the lines with ;
On Apache, click in the Start button;
On MySQL, click in the Start button.
It should be like this:
Check if apache and mysql services are running, then click the Shell button.
In the shell that opened - command line - enter the following command:
mysqladmin.exe -u root password your-new-password
Password changed.
Open the folder where XAMPP was installed (C:\xampp);
Access the phpMyAdmin folder;
Open the config.inc.php file in a text editor of your choice and change the fields below:
You can use this generator to change the secret word (blowfish_secret): https://phpsolved.com/phpmyadmin-blowfish-secret-generator/?g=[insert_php]echo $code;[ /insert_php
Change the authentication mode to:
Change the password, remember to use the password you changed in the Shell:
Change the AllowNoPassword option to:
All right, let's go. Your MySQL and PHPMyAdmin are configured for the new password. Now you only always use it when installing an application that connects to a MySQL Database.
By default, some software, other local server, Windows firewall use port 80. Below are the steps on how to change port 80 in XAMPP:
Open the XAMPP panel and click the Apache Config button;
Choose the file called httpd.conf. It has all apache operating parameters;
Press the Ctrl + F keys and search for the word Listen 80;
Add one more number 80 (or 90) to the end of this parameter by getting: Listen 8080; (or Listen 8090;)
Search for another keyword called ServerName and add the 80 (or 90) in localhost:8080; (or localhost:8090;)
Save and close the file;
Go back to the Dashboard and click the Config icon;
Then go to Service and Port Settings;
Add the 8080 (or 8090)in the Main Port;
After these steps try to start your Apache, check if you have the green icon, open your browser, type (or analyze if you can access the Dashboard of your XAMPP.
In addition to people being able to access your site by your domain, you need to configure the vhost file in XAMPP:
Open the httpd-vhosts.conf file (C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra).
Edit the following lines:
Switch to your domain.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
You have to put your external ip in config.lua for others to connect, but sometimes that makes you unable to connect to your own server.
Specify your domain (or external ip) in config.lua, it will look like this:
ip = "example.com"
Open the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file and add: example.com
(IPv4) (domain)
Make sure ports 80 (or 8080, 8090), 7171, 7172 are open for the connection to work properly.
To release the ports, search for the model of your modem/router. Below a site with guides for various routers to assist in the release of ports:
Access PHPMyAdmin from your domain address.
On the left side click on +New and create a database (e.g. canary).
Import the schema file.sql which is in the Canary server folder.
Open XAMPP htdocs folder and delete all files before saving the files and folders from MyAAC.
Unzip MyAAC files and folders in the XAMPP htdocs folder.
Leave all MyAAC files and folders as shown in the example below:
If you are installing on localhost, access to load MyAAC installation.
If you are installing with ip or domain, access http://your-ip-or-domain to load MyAAC installation.
Follow the installation steps to install MyAAC.
When choosing the version, select 13.16.
Double click canary.exe, it will start the server.
To connect to the server according to the indicated version, you need the client below:
In the client you need to edit the IP like the examples below:
• How to edit the client:
OpenTibiaBR (https://github.com/opentibiabr/canary)
Slawkens, Lucas Giovanni and OpenTibiaBR Contributors (https://github.com/opentibiabr/myaac)